What to Expect


Everyone is welcome at our worship services. Don’t feel like you have to look or act a certain way to be welcome at Power Life. We value being a diverse community and a place for all nations. We expect people with strong faith, no faith, and everything in between. We worship God because we need to be reminded of the Gospel, which tell us we are worse than we are willing to admit, but more loved than we could ever imagine.

During our service, we blend our rich heritage as Christians in a contemporary way. We will often read passages of Scripture, engage in a vibrant worship and listen to the word of God. We might also highlight personal stories of people in our community and give testimonies of God’s faithfulness in our lives. We sing both hymns and modern praise songs, regularly take communion, and use the weekly sermon as an opportunity to point people to Jesus through God’s Word.

One of the things people notice about our church is that we cherish the ministry that Christ gave to Children. While that’s not unusual at some churches, what might be surprising is that we include our kids in our worship service. We value integrating our kids into the life of our church as much as possible and the worship service is a primary way we accomplish this.

Power Life Charismatic Church